News & Insights
Featured | Company News
Hoptroff Creates World-First Sub-Nano Time for Global Infrastructure
Sub-Nano delivers the most accurate time ever in industries such as finance, cybersecurity, and telecommunications.
Why Sub-Nanosecond Accuracy is Imperative for Global Infrastructure
Founder and Chief Time Officer, Richard Hoptroff, gives his perspective on why sub-nanosecond accuracy has become crucial for modern enterprise systems.
Company News
Hoptroff Wrapped: 2024 in review
As the year draws to a close, we want to reflect upon our work in 2024 and look forward to what the new year holds.
History of Time
The Quartz Revolution: How Seiko's Astron Watch Transformed Timekeeping
Almost fifty-five years ago, on December 25, 1969, in Tokyo, Seiko sparked a technological timing revolution.
Featured | Company News
Hellen Systems and Hoptroff Partner to Deliver e-LORAN Solution in the UK
The collaboration addresses the challenges with GPS and GNSS vulnerabilities for critical infrastructure.
Insight [Podcast]
Times Radio: Why Daylight Savings exists
Have you ever wondered why Daylight Saving exists?
Listen to Hoptroff’s founder and CTO, Richard Hoptroff, myth-busting on Saturday’s Times Radio show with Alexis Conran.
The growing role of time in cybersecurity compliance
Recent cybersecurity regulations mean compliance is at the top of the agenda for many industries – and timing has a crucial part to play.
Precision timing and transaction reporting after MiFID II
Looking back at key regulations, it’s clearer than ever that time is the hidden currency of the financial world.
Featured | In The Press
How the World Wars forged modern time
This Remembrance Day, Richard Hoptroff shares a fascinating account of how the World Wars impacted modern timing for City AM.
Precision time and cybersecurity: ensuring NIS2 compliance
Timing systems are of ever-growing importance in cybersecurity – and in a post-NIS2 world, shared infrastructure offers a future-proof solution.
DORA regulation and the importance of Smart Timing
New legislation encourages us to rethink the role of time and digital infrastructure for operational resilience.
Opinion [Podcast]
Mastering time synchronisation for cloud computing
A conversation between Hoptroff, Temenos and IBM on why synchronised time is vital for data integrity in the cloud, for IBM’s Banking on the Cloud podcast.
Featured | Event
Right on time: redefining the second with atomic clocks
Richard Hoptroff joins a fascinating conversation about the advantages and potential use cases of optical atomic clocks.
In The Press
How DORA could change the way we view cybersecurity
Richard Hoptroff speaks to InsurTech Magazine about how new regulation shows us that timing systems complement the traditional tools of cybersecurity.
In The Press
The impact of DORA on the financial sector and beyond
Founder and CTO Richard Hoptroff in Retail Banker International on how the recent DORA regulations have shifted the emphasis to precision timing.
Opinion [Podcast]
The Dispatch: Why do we need coordinated moon time?
Listen to Hoptroff founder Richard Hoptroff on Digital Frontier’s podcast, The Dispatch, bringing you stories of disruptive technology in business, finance and culture.
Featured | Insight
Resilient timing infrastructure for data centres
If you have needed accurate timing for your data centre technology, chances are you have been using a purely satellite-based solution. But these solutions are increasingly vulnerable.
Company News
Hoptroff Wrapped: 2023 in review
With 2024 around the corner, we’re looking back at the many achievements of 2023.
Company News
Meet Elaine Bucknor, our new board member
We are delighted to announce that Elaine Bucknor has joined our board of directors.
Precision time protocol built for Zero Trust Architecture
The increasing popularity of living cashless intensified the need for accurate time synchronisation, ZTA, and trusted timestamping.
Company News
Meet Steve Suarez, our new board member
We are delighted to announce that Steve Suarez is joining our board of directors.
The crucial role of timestamps in blockchain technology
Including timestamps regularly in hash ledgers, for example once per second, strengthens the immutability, ensuring secure and indisputable verification.
Opinion [Podcast]
Podcast: Technology-enabled innovations in financial services
This Financial Market Insights podcast explores the remarkable technologies that are poised to revolutionise the landscape of global financial institutions.
Company News
Transformed Timing Hub in APAC to meet growing client demands
Read about our newly upgraded timing hub that meets growing client demands with enhanced resilient precision timing services.
Top five new technologies for green data centers
With data centres now consuming ever-increasing amounts of energy, new technologies are being developed to strive to reduce costs and environmental impact.
Resilient timing infrastructure for data centres
If you have needed accurate timing for your data centre technology over the last few decades, chances are you have been using a purely satellite-based solution.
Network time technology trends powering tomorrow’s data centre
Secure and accurate precision timing is crucial in data centre infrastructure to ensure cybersecurity and disaster recovery.
Company News
Meet Suzanne Ellis, our new board member
We are delighted to announce that Suzanne Ellis is joining our board of directors.
B2B technology trends for 2023 and beyond
Top five B2B technology trends that will shape 2023.
Company News
Meet Gautam Dalal, our new board member
We are delighted to announce that Gautam Dalal is joining our board of directors.
Five fintech trends you should be watching in 2023
Take a look at 5 fintech trends that will undoubtedly shape the future of global financial services.
Company News
Meet Robert Lindauer, our new Senior Product Manager
We are delighted to announce that Robert Lindauer is joining Hoptroff as our new Senior Product Manager.
Five areas that will need traceable time in 2023
Learn about what in technology we can expect to see impacted by smarter traceable timing solutions.
Company News
We have partnered with NIST
NIST measuring equipment installed at the Hoptroff timing hubs will constantly monitor the accuracy of the Hoptroff grandmaster clocks.
Company News
Meet Jack Daly, our new Chief Revenue Officer
We are delighted to announce that Jack Daly is joining Hoptroff as our new Chief Revenue Officer.
The future of secure, sustainable, smart cities requires smart timing
The costs of time synchronisation is reducing significantly to open up the application to IoT, 5G, RPA, edge and cloud computing, autonomous cars, and the metaverse.
Company News
Meet Ian Baldeosingh, our new Vice President of Technology
We are delighted to announce that Ian Baldeosingh is joining Hoptroff as our Vice President of Technology.
Time synchronisation and critical infrastructure
Together, positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) are necessary for critical infrastructure. However, ubiquitous use of GPS as the primary source of PNT information introduces vulnerabilities.
The importance of accurate time synchronisation
Learn more about the importance of developing the accurate time synchronisation solutions for global finance, IoT, aerospace, defence, media, autonomous vehicles and smart cities.
Company News
Tim Richards is making the transition from COO to CEO
Tim will take on the role as CEO with immediate effect as Simon Kenny steps into the role of Chief Strategy Officer.
The future of traceable and trusted timestamps
The costs of time synchronisation is reducing significantly to open up the application to IoT, 5G, RPA, edge and cloud computing, autonomous cars, and the metaverse.